Black Construction is a project created by Travis Watson and is a repository for articles and resources committed to Black racial equity and inclusion in New England's construction industry. OGs like Chuck Turner, Leo Fletcher, Omar Cannon, and Earl Quick are inspirations, and it's because of brothers like them that my work is possible.

Build, baby, build!

My opening remarks at the May 2023 Boston Employment Commission hearing.

My comments at the August Boston Employment Commission hearing.

Boston’s black worker jobs policy that never was.

Building the Pipeline: Supporting Minority Business participation in the Mass. housing ecosystem - From the MassHousing virtual symposium "A Path Forward: Crafting a Just Housing System for the Commonwealth," on April 28, 2021.

Thoughts on a community-based approach to development as learned at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI).

City Line, 2015 - speaking about the work of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

City Line, 2015 - speaking about the work of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative

BNN Interviews Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, 07-24-12